AnyClay's avatar


Pick a Clay...AnyClay...
Years Ago

Comments 149

anonymous's avatar
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WhereTheHellRMySocks's avatar

sorry if I wasn't supposed to put things in the featured gallery or anything, I'm not really sure where to put model magic clay and there was no "sort" function so i just put it there... haha i feel so bad about that though

I’m loving all the beautiful art that everyone makes everyone is so talented
SomethingDaisy's avatar
Thank you for adding me! 

Polymer clay / FIMO | Little penguin by SomethingDaisy  
Velvetmoon36's avatar
Hi all, happy to be a member. Thanks!
mawgly79's avatar
Thank you for adding me!
Cold-Dawn's avatar
Thank you for the add, nice to see so many creative clay lovers!
ClaytivityD's avatar
Hi Clayers thanks for welcoming me here, Its been a great pleasure.