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Along came the spider!
An ordinary day in Terra Venture turned out to be a nightmare for the Lost Galaxy Rangers. A sudden power surge on main reactor attracted the attention of Green Ranger. He arrived at the broken station morphed and readied his sword.
It was no use against the threat in the dark. All he heard was a rustling sound on the roof before thick greyish web engulfed him entirely. He screamed and tried to break free, but the cocoon got more solid and became unbreakable.
Blue received Green’s signal and went to investigate. He went inside the station and shocked when the main door shut tight behind him. He readied his sword and himself in fighting stance. His helmet’s visor automatically adapted to the low light, only to find a spider monster already looming upside-down right in front of the Ranger. Before Blue could do anything, his entire body was grabbed by the creature’s strong, sharp hands before cocooned in the thick web.
With two Rangers already fallen to his trap, the spider monster used the next step. He pressed the communicators and imitate the trapped Rangers’ voice. His intention was to lure Red Ranger in, an it worked.
Red woke with his hands and feet tight by strange spider web. He heard a horrible laughter overhead and saw his captor: the mask-like face of the spider monster. But the creature wasn’t alone. It already got a new minion in its nest. Red’s eyes widened to see his teammate, Green Ranger, mutated into hybrid spider-Ranger monster complete with eight arthopod legs stretched out from his back.
The fallen hero’s mouthguard transformed into venomous fangs which bit Blue, who then hung upside-down in his cocoon while the mutation painfully turned him too. Now they had new prey, as Red was helpless at the center of the web.
The spider monster just laughed, knowing that the entire male members of Lost Galaxy team would soon under its command, completely obedient to do diabolical missions, which firstly preying of their own female teammates!
An ordinary day in Terra Venture turned out to be a nightmare for the Lost Galaxy Rangers. A sudden power surge on main reactor attracted the attention of Green Ranger. He arrived at the broken station morphed and readied his sword.
It was no use against the threat in the dark. All he heard was a rustling sound on the roof before thick greyish web engulfed him entirely. He screamed and tried to break free, but the cocoon got more solid and became unbreakable.
Blue received Green’s signal and went to investigate. He went inside the station and shocked when the main door shut tight behind him. He readied his sword and himself in fighting stance. His helmet’s visor automatically adapted to the low light, only to find a spider monster already looming upside-down right in front of the Ranger. Before Blue could do anything, his entire body was grabbed by the creature’s strong, sharp hands before cocooned in the thick web.
With two Rangers already fallen to his trap, the spider monster used the next step. He pressed the communicators and imitate the trapped Rangers’ voice. His intention was to lure Red Ranger in, an it worked.
Red woke with his hands and feet tight by strange spider web. He heard a horrible laughter overhead and saw his captor: the mask-like face of the spider monster. But the creature wasn’t alone. It already got a new minion in its nest. Red’s eyes widened to see his teammate, Green Ranger, mutated into hybrid spider-Ranger monster complete with eight arthopod legs stretched out from his back.
The fallen hero’s mouthguard transformed into venomous fangs which bit Blue, who then hung upside-down in his cocoon while the mutation painfully turned him too. Now they had new prey, as Red was helpless at the center of the web.
The spider monster just laughed, knowing that the entire male members of Lost Galaxy team would soon under its command, completely obedient to do diabolical missions, which firstly preying of their own female teammates!
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Along Came A Spider(Power Rangers Lost Galaxy)/The Joint web of Fate(Seijuu Sentai Gingaman)