Sandman SketchANTOINE-X on DeviantArt

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ANTOINE-X's avatar

Sandman Sketch



After seeing Spider Man 3 I was inspired to draw this pic of the Sandman :) . I have to admit that I was kind of shocked of how good the visuals of this character was portrayed in the film. I thought the movie version of the character was waaaaaaaaaaaay better than the comic version which is rare because they usually screw comic characters up when they hit the big screen or they come up with designs that are way off from the comics :( . For once they actually did something better in the movie than what is shown in the comic. Well anyway enough with my rambling, it was impressive with how large they made him in the flick, they really went all out with it so check it out if you haven’t already. Peace.
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609x792px 808.6 KB
© 2007 - 2025 ANTOINE-X
anonymous's avatar
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Awesome ... Sandman's one of my favorite ideas/characters ever !!!