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Discovered by the Chinese Telescope LAMOST, LAMOST-1c is the only planet in the LAMOST-1 system containing life and the prime objective for any future human colonization of other worlds. A probe sent by the Chinese National Space Agency confirmed the presence of both water and non-sapient life on the planet's surface in the year 2086 and sparked an international campaign spearheaded by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and several major space agencies around the world.
With the discovery of LAMOST-1c the first steps in Project Ark commence, and the future of humanity seems bright once again.
This is the beginning of a project I've been brainstorming about for several months. Unfortunately I cannot allow complete freedom over the intellectual properties of this specific conworld but oh well, most of the rest will be CC.
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2340x1520px 242.53 KB
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nice work and amazing details 👍😉