I remember...
I don’t hate wolves but I think wolves are overrated canids and are oversaturated with too much art being made of them and that is probably one thing I understand about their hate for wolves..
like come on give some love to the other weirder canines, like bush dogs or painted hounds at least be original.
But it's... true?
The group may be closed now, probably because the owners realized how irrational they were being, but the gallery and favorites are still available, you know, all either being gorey hate art of wolves being killed in all of the worst ways possible, the tired "big bad wolf" trope, encouraging wolf hunting, I recall at least one meme where OP openly wished wolves would become extinct (if he's reading this, if all wolves die, your dog will too), and countless members have went out of their way to seek out and harass wolf artists, regardless if they were actually toxic or healthy. Hell, there were even a few that praised the founder of Lobo Watch for boasting about how he deliberately ran over two pups on the street, they're probably deactivated by now though, so take that for what you will.
Let's also take a moment to remember the Sparkledog hate trend of the 2010s. I didn't feel safe even thinking about drawing dogs or wolves with unrealistic colors at the time, that's why I only did it once when I was accepting requests.