Anti-SasuKarin-FC's avatar


Anti-SasuKarin Fan Club
Years Ago
314 Members252 Watchers

Comments 82

anonymous's avatar
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AliceShion's avatar
I hate sasusaku and sasukarin
hahahahahahaha (¿?)
Hebi-suki's avatar
Why is there a Sasuke folder but no Karin folder? And why no SuiKa folder?
CherryBlossomSavior's avatar
Because this is an ANTI-SASUKARIN group. We do not ship anything aside from SasuSaku, Anti-SasuKarin, and SasuNaru. Therefore, those folder choices wouldn't fit. I'm sorry.

If you wish to join, please follow this group's new account :iconxxantixxsasukarin:. Thank you.
Hebi-suki's avatar
CherryBlossomSavior's avatar
Then this is the wrong group for you, I'm sorry.
LunaNeeChan's avatar
Sasuke belongs to Sakura!!!
xWomiex's avatar
i hate sasukarin GOD because i prefer sasusaku.. I HATE KARIN. x_x