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The club for anthro artists!
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  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
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Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (15)
:iconspacewolfomega: Notice: The best way to contact me is by sending a note to me at the account icon listed above.Hey, gang!  As many of you know, Bat's in the Belfry has been keeping me really busy, especially with the move to a new website, so I'm a bit behind in keeping up with the Anthro-Tuts club.  However, there's been a lot of recent interest in getting the club rolling again, so here's the deal...WE NEED TUTORIALS!!!Even if you're really modest and don't think that you can offer anything to anyone in regards to artistic advice, you may know of some clever techniques that can help others who are struggling with their own project...
anonymous's avatar
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:iconspacewolfomega: Just a quick note... if you send a note to the club and I don't respond in a couple of days, please send a note to me at my regular DA account (click on the SpacewolfOmega wolf icon at the top of this journal).  The SWO website has been keeping me rather busy as of late.  ^^;  In fact, if you want to contact me regarding a tutorial you would like to submit or any questions, you may simply want to drop me a note at my regular account just so you'll get a much faster reply.  :)Here's the review for October!- We grew from 111 to 121 watchers, so we picked up TEN additional watchers!  That is positively outstanding, gang! ...
anonymous's avatar
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:iconspacewolfomega: Just a quick note... if you send a note to the club and I don't respond in a couple of days, please send a note to me at my regular DA account (click on the SpacewolfOmega wolf icon at the top of this journal).  The SWO website has been keeping me rather busy as of late.  ^^;  In fact, if you want to contact me regarding a tutorial you would like to submit or any questions, you may simply want to drop me a note at my regular account just so you'll get a much faster reply.  :)Here's the updates for September!- We grew from 104 to 111 watchers, so we picked up SEVEN additional watchers!  That's awesome!!! :wow:  Remember...
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eclepsTL's avatar
animel0vur's avatar
do u hav a tut for a lizard anthro?
quofalcon's avatar
Just a suggestion, but make this into a group!
I will be happy to contribute,.
niya999's avatar
I need a tutorial on how to draw the Anthro's on four legs... The face and body
AnthroTsuneon's avatar
hey,question, do you have tutorials for photomorphing as well?
Megaluigi93's avatar
this should be changed into a group account :noes:
TriSwords-Extreme's avatar
Hi. Um, I was just wondering, if perhaps you had a tutorial on drawing anthro dragons? ^^; It would really be a big help to me.