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OMG, I love this so much. I really need someone who can paint similar to this, bc I am working on a book idea and I would love to see some of the creatures of my fantasy book painted in a way similar to this. There are the Falves (tiny creatures with very long bushy, wavy and bouncing hair). Their hair is glowing and very long, somehow bushy and sticks out quite a bit. Their hair color has a gleaming, sparkling glow to it and depends on how they feel at the moment. That's why Falves can never hide how they feel. Their general honesty can come across as grumpy to others, but they never have any bad intentions. They say what they think because they know they can't hide it anyway because of the hair thing. They also use their hair to fly. They can walk a bit clumsily, but always use their hair for balance. Their whole appearance, but above all the face looks what some people call uglycute, more cute than ugly. Their skin varies from spotte to dappled .. differently from Falv to Falv. And its skincolor also varies from greyish-lightmagenta to greyish-darkmagenta but also greyish-mossy-green with some kind of darker or lighter spots in a contemplary color. The noses long and pointed. They don't have to, but since the world in which they live is one in harmony with nature, they like to imitate the wings of other creatures with their hair when they fly. Since their hair is so long and grows extremely quickly, it is no problem for them to imitate the wings of dragonflies, small dragons, flies and various types of birds, and actually whatever they want. The one or the other even imitates in shape and color fly agarics, with their hair, when they fly, just for fun. And they most often let their hair glow in a variety of colors while flying, unless an emotion stirs within them, then this conscious play of colors is interrupted and the conscious arrangement of the hair then evaporates... But they sill can fly. Because of their cute but hot temper they hate if that happens. They feel as is they failed, if their hot temper breaks through while flying. But only they think like that. Other creatures love exactly this about the falves, bc this make them so honest. Around the Falves, the more energy they use when they fly, a kind of shimmer appears, which appears brighter the faster and harder they fly, the more energy they have to put into their fly. Some people, earth people who can't see their true nature call them fireflies, but they are actually small, magical Falvs. The hair colors are actually whitish-moss green...but can go up to magenta. All colors between this glowy mossy green and glowy greyish(ivorish magenta and even a little bit into a reddish purple. I would love to see these Falvs painted. Please guys, don't steal the idea, because they are characters that will appear in my book. Next time I will tell about the creatures which are pretty much like porcupines. But the main part of their body is made of crystal. And as the hair of the falvs, which other species collect for magic potions, it is not uncommon that the Crystal Porcupines (I still need for a adequate name) sometimes lose one or more of their spikes, which then act like a kind of vial since they are made of crystal in which already is some kind of potion the crystal porcupines produce via glands. We can never be sure about the composition of the contents of a lost spike. Even though the Crystal Porcupines can consciously piece together the serum, that's in the spikes, for those they find trustworthy. So that a worthy being receives exactly what it needs. Since most porcupine quills are picked up by collectors, it is a very uncertain matter what they exactly found.
Which is why they are particularly sought after for magic potions. Particularly brave people also drink the contents as a kind of surprise bag. Because you never know what colorful spheres or even worlds you reach after drinking the serum of a crystal porcupine spike. But that's precisely why it has become fun at festivals in this world. Like a kind of test of courage. However, these kind, noble and trustworthy beings would never put together dangerous serums in their spines. However, they have great power there. Which they are also aware of and which they know can be of great help to those who deserve this help.
The Krstall porcupines are well aware that a very specific composition of 1 of the serums of their quills is an ingredient in one of the most powerful magic potions of all. Which must be carefully guarded as it is only safe in the hands of the trustworthy. Since the world in which the Falvs and also the Crystal Porcupines live relies on trustworthiness, only those can enter this world, who1. must have first experienced the madness of earth and recognized there that "the middle" is the only position to be taken on earth. And that it is never okay to seek other people's lives. Just as you can't predict betrayal and similar things. Only those who truly know who they are can reach the world of the falvs and so many more (to come), otherwise they would be a too great danger to this world. A world where the creatures are happy it's a world of true peace. A world where creatures love life for its own sake. Love to explore and where the creatures help those who want to reach a certain goal... the certain goal is to reach exactly THAT world. The world of the falvs hide portals you can leave and enter it by portals, but only if you are one of the few chosen. This sounds mean. But to be one of the chosen you just have to believe truly you are one of the chosen. Because in truth all of us are the chosen ones. IF you long for a world like this. But there is so much more to come. I even didn't tell you about the Fennbolds/or Fennboldigen, the Koboldmargiks, the thousands of years old giant turtles living on the ground of giant oceans, and of which some are used as ships or boats. There are the Novempods: Octopuslike creatures, but with nine tentacles and which have such an outstanding, stunningly beautiful and several days lasting mating ritual. (And there are so many more things about to say.) Which has now become a real celebration in this world.
There are also wise, friendly dragons. We can also be dragons there too. Or a mix of humanoid appearance and dragons. You can shapeshift into a dragon.
It is a world in which everyone can become whatever they want, where fantasy is the only thing that counts and there is a sense of unity in which one can enter or exit, precisely because trust is an absolute requirement there. That's exactly why you have to know the injustice and suffering of the earth in order to really appreciate the things in the world of the falvs, Fennbolds/Fennboldigen, Crystal-Porcupines (real name to come), Novempods, Koboldmargiks (who are the guardians of the plantworld and can project some kind of hologram of what they see in their inside, to let others know what they see, it's also a way to communicate for them. But you also can ask them to find something for you, because they are telepathic and telecinetic, so that they very often help if someone has lost something. But also useful to find hidden ways, because in that world there are waterworlds. flying isles, a world hidden in the mountains and beneath the surface. Hidden and not so hidden Forests. A World Tree and soo many many more. I hope so much to have enough time to work out the world for my book and the creatures whio live in that world.) So PLEASE .. don't use my ideas. But who ever want can draw and paint them. I would love to see that. And if I ever finish the book, and I deeply hope so. I am pretty sure, if you want this too I use your illustrations and I will mention you and of course, if there will be money, you will get money too. But I actually hate money. I really would love to write the book but without selling the book for money.