After several monthes i will be back!.... Soon... But i will be!
Got some RL problems and i truelly didn't had time to play Minecraft, but it gonna be fine and i have a lot of ideas from the future... I just need some time.
♦My "Carmina's Castle" project is actually... Still on projet. Seriously, it was too much work from me and it made me depressed, i'll probably continue it in the future but i don't want to actually.
♦I'm actually working on a new (once again) Skyblock adventure (the old project here). Now it's on a server, with new rules and the possibility to get more blocks (but it cost: 4dirt blocs= 2 stacks of cobble). It's fun, very fun. Screenshots soon but I'm sure u'll enjoy it!
♦I want to remake my Aeden's Ark but bigger, and with a Cisona's style, it will be a lot of work and I think I will not sleep during some days before it'll be finished.
So, some screenshots soon, enjoy it!