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Here's that dump I was talking about!!
I was basically just practicing expressions, along with some hair and shoulder practice...but I feel like there's a lot to be said here, so let's just take this one by one.
(Side note: My personal favorites are 2, 3, and 4. Especially 4; this ones speaks to me.)
1. (Just above the two at the bottom, laughing with tears in her eyes.) She was originally going to be the centerpiece of a great big nostalgia work. Until, that is, I realized I had absolutely no idea what i was doing with her, and ended up deciding that I needed a sketch dump to hammer out details. So, smiling with tears in her eyes it was. Ultimately the inspiration for this was the thought that even in the saddest of times, our childhood memories or those that we treasure can put a smile on our faces even now. (Deep, right?) Hence, of course, the tears. I was seeing blonde hair, kinds shaggy. The eyebrows could have been better, I'll admit.
2. (Just to the left of 1.)This cutie is in my top three here. I was going more for a "hmph" kinda thing, and it turned out really manga. So naturally, I fell in love with it! Shaggy blond hair, bit of an attitude, but not super punk...There wasn't even really a line for this one. I just love him. I might use him later on.
3. (To the upper right of 2) Thiiiiis absolute DARLING made me think of a sheep, or a little lamb! Adorable short hair, poofy cap sleeves, shy/flustered personality, and so on...the works. I'm kinda seeing red hair on this one, take that as you like. She's also up there in my three, just because look at that adorable face. If ever I have a reason, this cutie's coming back.
4. (The punkish kid to the right of 3.) Personal. Favorite. He's the...well, I could see a quiet goofball, something like that. He dresses punk, but really just doesn't care all that much. Except about kids getting treated right. He WILL beat someone up for being unfair to children/women/the elderly/etc. But as a rule, he doesn't make a show of it, and doesn't get involved when someone can defend themselves, because how else will people learn and grow? Gosh. (This one. He will return. Mark my words.)
5. (The exhausted something or other in the lower right hand corner.) I wanted to practice a tired face in this one. I mean, it certainly happened. But you can see why I think my profile view needs a biiiit more work, ehh? Still, that's what dumps are good for. This one wasn't as visionary; I just know that they're not one to be messed with when they're tired (before the first three coffees, at least).
6. (Lower left hand corner.) A bratty kid, I guess. That kind of...nose-in-the-air, sarcastic, snotty type deal, almost. I'm thinking he should be related to 4, because why not? So, whenever they return...yeah. That'll happen. (This was also the point in which I began to really lose what I was doing, as can be seen in the progression of my artwork from this point on.)
7. (Upper right corner.) Okay, again, profile needs work.I wasn't sure what I was doing with that beanie, clearly, just that he HAD to have one. But the character I was seeing was more...trans guy, not TOO far into HRT but far along enough to start sprouting some proud facial hair. I don't know why this one was another happy tears one. But hey, at least it's from a different angle.
8. (Upper left corner.) Copout. Cop. Out. I have NO idea why my art suddenly went back to fifth grade (sixth, if we're being literal). She's...I dunno, some kind of pink-haired, bratty cheetleader? Why not? Maybe she'll return, if I can figure out what I'm doing with her.
This was, though, really fun to do, I'll admit. I mean, from start to finish, it was all design and mix and match and this and that. All different character types, personalities, etc. The only thing I was unoriginal about was skin color, and for that I apologize, but I've decided that practicinv skin shading deserves its own dump, because whenever I try to do something that isn't white or oriental (in which you can get away with, again, leaving the paper white, because that's basically what you see in most the animes)...well, it basically looked like a smear on the page. Hooray!! But I do want to practice with that more. Just...probably around the same time I learn to actually shade my work, you know?
Alright, that's it for this behemoth of a description. I really do look forward to hearing from you guys what you think about these sketches, and I'd love to upload more of them later, so thanks for all your comments and faves!! Although, I would like to ask that these don't get stolen or otherwise used, please. I'm really hoping to bring these back as some kind of character set later on, maybe in a comic. Or, hey, even just for development, expand a little, see what comes of it, you know? So thanks for not stealing!!
Until next time!
Anonymous-Lizard 2015 - July - SD #1
I was basically just practicing expressions, along with some hair and shoulder practice...but I feel like there's a lot to be said here, so let's just take this one by one.
(Side note: My personal favorites are 2, 3, and 4. Especially 4; this ones speaks to me.)
1. (Just above the two at the bottom, laughing with tears in her eyes.) She was originally going to be the centerpiece of a great big nostalgia work. Until, that is, I realized I had absolutely no idea what i was doing with her, and ended up deciding that I needed a sketch dump to hammer out details. So, smiling with tears in her eyes it was. Ultimately the inspiration for this was the thought that even in the saddest of times, our childhood memories or those that we treasure can put a smile on our faces even now. (Deep, right?) Hence, of course, the tears. I was seeing blonde hair, kinds shaggy. The eyebrows could have been better, I'll admit.
2. (Just to the left of 1.)This cutie is in my top three here. I was going more for a "hmph" kinda thing, and it turned out really manga. So naturally, I fell in love with it! Shaggy blond hair, bit of an attitude, but not super punk...There wasn't even really a line for this one. I just love him. I might use him later on.
3. (To the upper right of 2) Thiiiiis absolute DARLING made me think of a sheep, or a little lamb! Adorable short hair, poofy cap sleeves, shy/flustered personality, and so on...the works. I'm kinda seeing red hair on this one, take that as you like. She's also up there in my three, just because look at that adorable face. If ever I have a reason, this cutie's coming back.
4. (The punkish kid to the right of 3.) Personal. Favorite. He's the...well, I could see a quiet goofball, something like that. He dresses punk, but really just doesn't care all that much. Except about kids getting treated right. He WILL beat someone up for being unfair to children/women/the elderly/etc. But as a rule, he doesn't make a show of it, and doesn't get involved when someone can defend themselves, because how else will people learn and grow? Gosh. (This one. He will return. Mark my words.)
5. (The exhausted something or other in the lower right hand corner.) I wanted to practice a tired face in this one. I mean, it certainly happened. But you can see why I think my profile view needs a biiiit more work, ehh? Still, that's what dumps are good for. This one wasn't as visionary; I just know that they're not one to be messed with when they're tired (before the first three coffees, at least).
6. (Lower left hand corner.) A bratty kid, I guess. That kind of...nose-in-the-air, sarcastic, snotty type deal, almost. I'm thinking he should be related to 4, because why not? So, whenever they return...yeah. That'll happen. (This was also the point in which I began to really lose what I was doing, as can be seen in the progression of my artwork from this point on.)
7. (Upper right corner.) Okay, again, profile needs work.I wasn't sure what I was doing with that beanie, clearly, just that he HAD to have one. But the character I was seeing was more...trans guy, not TOO far into HRT but far along enough to start sprouting some proud facial hair. I don't know why this one was another happy tears one. But hey, at least it's from a different angle.
8. (Upper left corner.) Copout. Cop. Out. I have NO idea why my art suddenly went back to fifth grade (sixth, if we're being literal). She's...I dunno, some kind of pink-haired, bratty cheetleader? Why not? Maybe she'll return, if I can figure out what I'm doing with her.
This was, though, really fun to do, I'll admit. I mean, from start to finish, it was all design and mix and match and this and that. All different character types, personalities, etc. The only thing I was unoriginal about was skin color, and for that I apologize, but I've decided that practicinv skin shading deserves its own dump, because whenever I try to do something that isn't white or oriental (in which you can get away with, again, leaving the paper white, because that's basically what you see in most the animes)...well, it basically looked like a smear on the page. Hooray!! But I do want to practice with that more. Just...probably around the same time I learn to actually shade my work, you know?
Alright, that's it for this behemoth of a description. I really do look forward to hearing from you guys what you think about these sketches, and I'd love to upload more of them later, so thanks for all your comments and faves!! Although, I would like to ask that these don't get stolen or otherwise used, please. I'm really hoping to bring these back as some kind of character set later on, maybe in a comic. Or, hey, even just for development, expand a little, see what comes of it, you know? So thanks for not stealing!!
Until next time!

Anonymous-Lizard 2015 - July - SD #1
Image size
480x640px 90.29 KB
iPhone 5s
Shutter Speed
1/60 second
Focal Length
4 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jul 10, 2015 2:51:49 PM -07:00
© 2015 - 2025 Anonymous-Lizard
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number 3 is so cute~