Broken Promiseanonymonomanamo on DeviantArt

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Broken Promise



Second faux-submission for Contradictions Challenge. 

Oh the prompt this time was 'Deal/Broken Promise.'

Bit of a tricky one cos I couldn't really remember any outward promises being made between Vegeta and Bulma. I was reading Veggie's wiki page for ideas and the two well-known images I painted above were there.

The saluting-Vegeta has significance for me because as a viewer that's when you're first shown that Vegeta (in Earth clothes) has decided to stay on Earth with his family post-Cell, when he could've chosen to leave; his salute to Future Trunks sorta looks like a, "Scout's honor I stay here and protect my family yo."

I contrasted that with possessed Majin-Vegeta because it's an image that stands out from the Buu saga; Vegeta all crazed and manic and pure evil was like him turning his back on his family and breaking his 'promise' to them. 

I chose the colours green and purple to represent envy and pride respectively. Vegeta's pride is at times one of his greatest assets as it acts like an impenetrable shell, but we learn through his envy of Goku's strength and desire to surpass him that it's also one of his greatest handicaps and the catalyst for his downfall. 

And now I'm done tryna sound smart. Off to eat glue. 

(Ooh I forgot to say! This is just gouache on paper. I was gonna pastel in some details but I got lazy.)
Image size
1600x904px 834.12 KB
MX710 series
Date Taken
Nov 19, 2013, 6:44:03 PM
© 2013 - 2025 anonymonomanamo
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On be half of the 2014 Semi-annual WJS awards, I am proud to announce that your fanfiction/fanart has been nominated by your fans and will be in the running for a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place spot on our community and website.

'Broken Promise' is Nominated for 'Best Vegeta Fanart'.

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