Shadow Mapper (bio in desp)Anolivebug on DeviantArt

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Shadow Mapper (bio in desp)



oh boi-

name: Shadow Mapper
nickname: Shadow, Mappy
age: 20
personality: Although her overall personality is extremely shy and awkward, that is only in the face of a normal conversation, if a pony is lost in the forest she will throw it away and become a confident mare that helps them out of there, then run away internally screaming
sexuality: Homo-sexual
Appearance: she is a gray mare with a messy blue mane, and a messy blue tail
cutiemark: a globe
job: she helps travelers find their way around the forest that is the main entrance to her home town
bio: Shadow was born in a small town, mother dying at birth from complications. Leaving her father to be an only parent. When she was younger, wandering in the woods was a common thing for her to do. But one day she wandered in deeper than normal, and couldn't find her way out. She started walking around aimlessly until she found a path. By that time it was dark out, so she started to walk down the path until she found a small village. It wasn't her village but she was scared, tired, and hungry, so she had decided to spend the night there. The day afterwards she asked a local about getting home, they just told her to keep walking forward on the path and she would get out. While walking down the path she spotted a lost traveler, they explained they where looking for the town she had just left. Shadow told the traveler just to go forward the way she had came. Once they had thanked her and left Shadow felt very happy so she continued on her way singing. As she went along she meet more travelers, most of which she helped. Once she was almost out of the forest she meet a young Pegasus filly, who said they where heading for her town, but wasn't feeling safe and asked if she could walk the rest of the way with them. She happily agreed and they where off. A step before the two had left the forest the filly asked Shadow if she was a guide. She was about to say no when a soft light in the corner of her eyes caught both of the fillies attentions. Once the light was gone a blue circle with green decorating it was left on her flank. Shadows response to this was to screech loudly. This caused some older ponies, one of which was her father to run over. When Shadow had calmed down she pointed at her cutiemark. After that everything went smoothly in her life, going into the forest, help travelers, and coming back home. One day her father had fallen ill, so she stop everything and took care of him. After a few weeks he had seemed to have gotten better, so she started her routine again. But over time she started to spend more time in the forest, not because she didn't want to be around others, she just enjoyed the scenery of the forest. One day when she came home Opal floral, the filly from many years prior ran over to her, clearly upset. When asked what was wrong Shadow heard the words she had been dreading, her father had relapsed into his illness again. He was in the hospital. After learning this Shadow ran full speed there, tears filling her eyes. By the time she got to the hospital her father had already passed away. Shadow almost immediately broke down. She cried for a long time when she couldn't anymore. Opal asked if she wanted to talk, she did, in the forest. Once in the forest Shadow walked down the path that lead to the other side of the forest with Opal. Shadows tears had dried by then, and she had so much to say, but nothing was coming out of her mouth. After what felt like an eternity of walking Shadow saw the town she had come upon when she had gotten lost the first time. Finally the words came out, not about her father, but about her guiding life. The joy of helping others make their way around the forest, and the little spark of excitement when meeting ponies that want to go to new towns, towns Shadow had never heard of before. (10 dollars she's the only one of my mlp ocs that's actually seen ponyvile). Looking at the town she wondered why she didn't stay longer than a night many years back. She smiled and ran towards the town, Opal following behind her. Shadow weakly smiled looking back at Opal, saying this is where it all started, where her real life had started. After many years Shadow had been helped by the towns locals to move into a small shack near the outskirts of the town. To this day she still goes around the woods, helping travelers, all around the forest
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dragongirl0130's avatar
Wow, I love her backstory, it's so touching <3