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The Tracian Asteroid Belt.
Stardate 87313.26 (April 24th, 2410. 8:13am)
"A day off!!"
Sitting at his desk in his quarters, Munro sipped his coffee to hide his smile. Across from him, sat on the rooms recliner, his first officer was staring him with a look of surprise on his face, his steaming mug paused on its way to his mouth.
"Seriously, you're going to order the whole crew to have the day off!" Xon shook his head in disbelief. "You're crazy!"
Munro placed his mug carefully on the desk next to a stack of PADD's. "Why? It's a perfectly good idea!" He gestured out the windows at the tumbling rocks which the Endeavour was currently mapping. "Our first mission was nearly a disaster, which put everyone under a massive amount of stress, and then we were put on this survey mission with no break in between!" He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I for one am on the verge of a mental breakdown."
Remembering the drink in his hand, Xon took a gulp, wincing at the heat. "If everyone's relaxing, who's going to be running the ship?"
"Well, we're not going anywhere," Munro consulted the top PADD, "so a skeleton crew can run the ship, and Lt. Darrur of Gamma Shift can be in command." He turned the PADD off. "His species doesn't sleep, plus he volunteered."
"He voluntee....wait, you spoke to him before telling me!" Xon leaned forwards, placing his mug on the rooms coffee table. "When did you do that?"
"At oh six hundred!" Munro shrugged apologetically. "Sorry!"
Xon sighed. "So you are serious about this!"
Munro nodded.
Xon fished his drink. "There is one problem with your idea!"
"And what is that?"
"Our chief engineer, she isn't exactly the relaxing type."
Munro grimaced. "Ah, I see....right." He cleared his throat. "Well, I'm sure you can convince her!"
"Wait, why me?" Xon paled. "Why can't you do it?"
"Because I'm the captain, and this your last official duty of the day. Dismissed."
Getting to his feet, Xon gave Munro a dirty look before exiting the quarters.
After he had gone, Munro rose and stretched. He was looking forwards to today. Knowing what he was going to say, he touched the ship wide comm button. As he did he glanced at the chronometer, and smiled as he saw what day it was.
Image kindly created by GrahamTG.
And for those interested, April 24th 2410 is indeed a Sunday.
Stardate 87313.26 (April 24th, 2410. 8:13am)
"A day off!!"
Sitting at his desk in his quarters, Munro sipped his coffee to hide his smile. Across from him, sat on the rooms recliner, his first officer was staring him with a look of surprise on his face, his steaming mug paused on its way to his mouth.
"Seriously, you're going to order the whole crew to have the day off!" Xon shook his head in disbelief. "You're crazy!"
Munro placed his mug carefully on the desk next to a stack of PADD's. "Why? It's a perfectly good idea!" He gestured out the windows at the tumbling rocks which the Endeavour was currently mapping. "Our first mission was nearly a disaster, which put everyone under a massive amount of stress, and then we were put on this survey mission with no break in between!" He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I for one am on the verge of a mental breakdown."
Remembering the drink in his hand, Xon took a gulp, wincing at the heat. "If everyone's relaxing, who's going to be running the ship?"
"Well, we're not going anywhere," Munro consulted the top PADD, "so a skeleton crew can run the ship, and Lt. Darrur of Gamma Shift can be in command." He turned the PADD off. "His species doesn't sleep, plus he volunteered."
"He voluntee....wait, you spoke to him before telling me!" Xon leaned forwards, placing his mug on the rooms coffee table. "When did you do that?"
"At oh six hundred!" Munro shrugged apologetically. "Sorry!"
Xon sighed. "So you are serious about this!"
Munro nodded.
Xon fished his drink. "There is one problem with your idea!"
"And what is that?"
"Our chief engineer, she isn't exactly the relaxing type."
Munro grimaced. "Ah, I see....right." He cleared his throat. "Well, I'm sure you can convince her!"
"Wait, why me?" Xon paled. "Why can't you do it?"
"Because I'm the captain, and this your last official duty of the day. Dismissed."
Getting to his feet, Xon gave Munro a dirty look before exiting the quarters.
After he had gone, Munro rose and stretched. He was looking forwards to today. Knowing what he was going to say, he touched the ship wide comm button. As he did he glanced at the chronometer, and smiled as he saw what day it was.
Image kindly created by GrahamTG.
And for those interested, April 24th 2410 is indeed a Sunday.
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Nice story and starship