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154 Watchers39 Deviations

freezing bones

1 min read
it's so cold all the time it's unreal, i'd crawl under three blankets and never see the daylight again. too cold to anything. meanwhile, i'm trying to install wordpress on my website, which isn't working because mysql databases, because hosting package, because servers down, and i could really use knowing a hell lot more about this sort of logistics than i do, which results in gasping on the phone with my closest friend's boyfriend about this and that while thinking i should be creating more and organizing less. it seems i only write in here when i'm feeling grateful or i need to vent, one of the two.

all in all, is still cold.
 spring, where are you.

.. and i'm not even a spring fan, but this cold's been freezing up my blood and all things ever warm.

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here, there

2 min read
hello deviants,

i'm excited to write here about stephan, who's been so kind as to gift me premium membership that'll last me through next year's summer. just how generous people around here can be .. it is beyond me, seriously.

things have been quite hectic last couple of months. been shooting two weddings and a third one's coming up.
so, among processing photos of newly weds, i'm also planning a late summer shoot, at a lake nearby.
hoping for hell temperatures so we can dive around freely.

you'd think all these are premises for a jazzy state of mind or some sort. it ain't, though.
emotional wreck is the word of this month. oversleeping, overdrinking, overthinking.
whatever seems to compensate.

i don't seem to find any good music anymore,
that used to help.

meanwhile, i'm going to browse some of the 3000something new deviations around here.

yours truly,

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change of pace

2 min read
someone decided to extend my premium membership, this would be the 3rd month in a row. someone's really cool for doing this. thank you, someone! may this haze of an evening be as nice to you, as checking my inbox this morning was for me.

on another pleasing note, i've got many new shots waiting to see the light of deviant, and other networking lights. editing took forever, since i'm double processing every frame both in color and b&w (i'm very hooked on black and whites lately, so i usually can't decide which i like better) but i'll release some pretty soon.

.. and the most excruciatingly awesome news is the fact that the xray photo will be appearing in a magazine all over the country in print. it's actually a magazine i very much enjoy and bought before so it's double enthusiasm.

that's pretty much it, nothing else happening.

oh, and i've reached 100 watchers
you're all a handful of awesomeness, many many thanks:)

yours truly,

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oh, happy

1 min read
my very first print!
sold !

how exciting!

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today is a grand day.

won this contest ! it's my very first contest here on deviant ! so it makes me all mushy and also grateful to you guys for your favourites and your comments that keeps one uploading, more and better !

i also appear to have impressed someone somewhere that extended my premium membership, yes, all happening again, what a bunch of awesome strangers out there ! thank you so much, whoever you are!

grand day,
good karma and positive friday vibes.


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freezing bones by annacuamic, journal

oh, happy by annacuamic, journal

a bottle of yays by annacuamic, journal

that time of the year by annacuamic, journal

tapping toes by annacuamic, journal