Deviation Actions
Después de la escuela, Star y Dark, dos hermanos, se dirigían a casa. Star, la menor, era amable y tenía un cabello blanco como las nubes y ojos del color del cielo. Dark, el mayor, tenía ojos verdes brillantes y cabello negro como el abismo, pero no le preocupaba su apariencia, solo cuidar de su hermana.
Unos niños comenzaron a burlarse de ellos, especialmente de Dark. Intentaron escapar y se escondieron en un callejón, pero uno de los niños los encontró y les arrojó cosas. Star, valiente, se interpuso para proteger a su hermano, dejando a Dark sorprendido y reflexionando sobre su papel.
After school, Star and Dark, two siblings, were heading home. Star, the younger sister, was kind, with hair as white as clouds and eyes like the sky. Dark, the older brother, had bright green eyes and hair as black as the abyss, but he cared little about his looks, focusing instead on protecting his sister.
Some kids began teasing them, especially Dark. They tried to escape and hid in an alley, but one of the kids found them and started throwing things. Brave Star stepped in to shield her brother, leaving Dark surprised and reflecting on his role.
oc: dark and star (wolfnais ash)
base:Protect Base
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