Anime-OCs-Group's avatar


Years Ago
109 Members87 Watchers

Comments 44

anonymous's avatar
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angelcakesss's avatar
Hello! For some reason, I don't see the join button on my mobile device. If you would, may you send me a request to join the group? I would love to be apart of it!!
Kuchikisajinsora's avatar
Hi! I'm so sorry for not seeing this message before now. I will try to open up the join buttton again! 
- Kuro the contributer
RainbowDashieMLPFan's avatar
will anyone rp with me
Nightskylullaby's avatar
I was invited to this group and i just have one question before i join.
I have two oc's but they're not from a anime but they are drawn in a manga/anime style. can i uload them here or not?
Sakuraan113's avatar
You can upload them here! It's no limit, as long as it is anime I don't care if it's from a spesific anime or not!