Anime-Manga-Favs's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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NyxNeverland's avatar
I was wondering if you can possibly make a new folder for Code Geass? I'm trying my best to get back into Death Note and no not the ridiculous 2020 one shot....Trump has ruined lives of many long enough...I don't want to ever see this one shot ever due to him being in it...but yeah I want to get back into some of the anime that I might of left behind, but as of now I'm busy as is to reread their mangas or rewatch their animes.
Samy-Consu's avatar
thank you so much for add our drawing (^^)/
dilaby's avatar
Thanks for the invite. 😊
NyugetoKina's avatar
GelberBlitz's avatar
Thanks for inviting me! :) 
NyugetoKina's avatar
JkCm6594's avatar
Thanks for the invite ^w^