Animation-Radical's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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Keptrashrik's avatar
Hello all. Sorry I've been so inactive lately. I've been doing a LOT of studying for different skills and pretty soon, once I get my practice pieces out of the way, I'll be in a much better position to make tutorials and do my duties as a cofounder of this group. Thank you very much to all of our members and supporters for sticking around! Take care and I expect I'll be seeing everyone soon!
Shadowulf1's avatar
Looking for someone who can animate similar quality to an actual TV cartoon series. There is a superhero project in the works.

Inquire within, via comments.…
Abizaga's avatar
Well, what style are you aiming for? What medium? 3d? Stop motion? Tradtional? Flash?
Shadowulf1's avatar
The style would be something along the lines of the cartoon series Young Justice. The medium, I'm not certain: probably just ink. It would be traditional 2D, not anything too fancy.

Any other questions, please visit our group on Facebook:…
Abizaga's avatar
Hmm... i see. I'm still in pracrice, but best of luck.