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Play Wild.
Years Ago

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anonymous's avatar
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See below reference comment. Or (katskatnip from youtube which is narga3)

Does anyone know the where-abouts of @tacky-tails aka (narga3 on animaljam classic)

Or Unavailable from classic?

LatiosnLatias's avatar

does anyone have the promo versions of the friendship helmet, amulet, and armor? I'm trading the non-promo versions (likely not fair but I don't have that many RIMS) for them. Espeonlover0 is my user. I've asked elsewhere and haven't had any luck.

SonicautumnmarioAj's avatar

i have an animal jam oc (Spooki the Bunny,Izz theGerman shepherd,Luna theFox,TJ The Wolf) my main ones is spooki she  has shadow armor but shes a bunny i with epic spike i got from pack run

xAngelFacex666's avatar
anyone doing animal jam head shot commissions?
SonicautumnmarioAj's avatar

i do one soon for 50 saphs

brionnie19's avatar
lost my old account and I can't get it back and I don't remember what email and password my parents used and I tried everything and nothing helps (in animal jam) If someone here is a good-hearted hacker who can help me recover my old account and see where the email and password came from, my parents used tools for parents in animal jam and thus recover and restore my password.