Helen is a barbie girlAnimaGirlDaria-chan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/animagirldaria-chan/art/Helen-is-a-barbie-girl-61855283AnimaGirlDaria-chan

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AnimaGirlDaria-chan's avatar

Helen is a barbie girl



A little comic based on podcast show №3
Those who don't know - don't ask.
Yes, this is related with my deviation "A Remade Barbie Doll"

Helen's singing "Barbie Doll" by Aqua. The blob boy on panels 4-6 is William.
To those who can't read my handwritings:
"I'm a barbie girl in a barbie world!"
"Life in plastic... is fantastic!" (munching 100% plastic cereals)
"You can brush my hair!"
"Undress me everywhere!" *whack!*
"Imagination, life is your creation!"

The moral, kids - watch what you are singing, or else you'll be misunderstood by silly boys. Send this moral to hell if you have a heavy musical instrument to keep such boys away ^___^

BTW, does anyone remember me saying I'm going on vacation? Yes, that was exactly what I meant - only a physical and mental break from my current ideas. Switching for NiGHTS community and NiGHTS fanart I consider to be such a break.
Hate being newbiiiieeee... Feel obvious lack of people commenting my scribbles, which makes me kinda sad -__-
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600x729px 237.17 KB
© 2007 - 2025 AnimaGirlDaria-chan
anonymous's avatar
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andersam's avatar
so YOUR the one who did this!
I LOVE this comic, your helen chibis are GODLY ADORABLE!