ChromaPrism::Solomon Matsumo::AngryArtist113 on DeviantArt

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AngryArtist113's avatar

ChromaPrism::Solomon Matsumo::



Nickname: Solo, Sol

Age: 19

Region: Hokkaido (though he travels quite a lot for "work")

Branch: Muscle....even though he doesn't look like he has any

Job: Pianist and on occasion a part time hitman

Race: Japanese/European mix

ATK: 5
DEF: 3
SPD: 8
INT: 4

Extra/Additional Things:
+Normal street clothes [link]
+around 6' 6"
+Usually smirking or grinning
+Can be smartassy or polite depending on situation
+Piano player/singer/player of any instrument you could give him
+Tells people he is color blind and only sees black and white even though he can see colors fine though he wears glasses sometimes due to his slight near sightedness
+Normally wears blacks,whites,grays, and a small splash of color
+Family tree [link]
+ [link] eye detail
+ [link] Hair dye detail
Image size
800x1000px 306.69 KB
© 2010 - 2025 AngryArtist113
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Doggychow's avatar
woah! this is one drop dead sexy oc!