Dragon Age - Grey Warden InsigniaAngelkitty17 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/angelkitty17/art/Dragon-Age-Grey-Warden-Insignia-329065410Angelkitty17

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Dragon Age - Grey Warden Insignia



Probably going to make a banner out of it when it's finished! :D
Finished!! This took a while, and was incredibly tedious...but well worth the effort, I think! :D It was VERY difficult to correct my stupid mistake at the bottom...I had the navy background at the griffon tails connected to part of the branch they're holding...which meant the transparent part just above it could not show up. There may be an easier way, but I vectored what would be the transparent part in a separate layer (because I wanted to see what I was doing), lowered it to the navy layer, broke a node at the corner of the new path, and at the corner of the mistake, then connected the new nodes in their proper places...thank GOD it worked...I was desperate not to revector the whole damn thing, pardon my language. >> I hope what I explained isn't too complicated to follow...I'll post pics some time if anyone actually wants a tutorial~

Fan Note: I LOVE Dragon Age to death (especially Origins, where I get to romance Alistair!! ^^-) I have backstories for a bunch of wardens (maybe all of them), and my main is the female human noble, who I named Rofina! :> I'm working on a fanfic that follows the game closely (lots of inserted dialogue...), and also deviates quite a bit (more than just ADDED dialogue, I've thought up major side quests, new characters, and hopefully exciting twists!) If I ever get this off the ground, I hope it will be to everyone's liking!! :dalove:
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© 2012 - 2025 Angelkitty17
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Angelic-Artwork's avatar
I tried to tag you in the description and couldn't but I used your image on this one
  Hero of Ferelden and Vanquisher of the Fifth Bligh by Angelic-Artwork
To create the Grey Warden Armor. I did leave a link in the description as well. It's lovely! I used it to create a texture map to give the metal the gryphon emblem.