--pride lv2angelicrequiem on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/angelicrequiem/art/pride-lv2-11786495angelicrequiem

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angelicrequiem's avatar

--pride lv2



Keeping this because: It is, IMO, the best industrialized/busy/abstract work I've done. If you want a good example of what my style was in the past, this is a good picture to show that.

Things I don't like about it? The picture itself is small, and I don't have a better version of this in a larger version. The sharpening could've been better if it was done on an improved sharpening filter (Smart Sharpen in Adobe CS2, wasn't out when I made this though).

If you want to know why it's called pride..well, the picture kind of represents with all the grudge how far people go with their pride.
..What I was mainly thinking however, is a part in Dragon Ball Z where Vegeta yells that no one can ever take away his pride. An epic moment in DBZ indeed.

- GC
Image size
800x1450px 528.3 KB
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KrewL-RaiN's avatar
Very chaotic

I like I like