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Whoo! El Nino has gone a little warmer here, maybe since the start of April because I forgot if summer did begin during last Monday. The temperature in the evening is a bit warm too despite the occasional somewhat cold temperatures. Oh boy... Looks like summer is going to get hotter in the Philippines than I thought it will be this year thanks to El Nino. I never knew the warm weathers are becoming warmer already since I haven't been thinking of the hot weathers or temperatures too. Of course, it's just more warmer cause it is not really that hot here in Quezon City. Still not sure how hot have other parts of the country been getting lately. Even if I was ignorant of it, I have to be or the temperature possibly getting hotter than it is during the day will be just as I was afraid it would happen . Thankfully, I did something to take my mind off El Nino as also a random thing to do for fun. I created this picture through a Picrew maker known as the Moldy Rice Maker (…). Last night, I saw warriormoonnight's picture of her rice meal. The maker seemed interested, so I tried it out earlier to make a rice meal after I saw MagicMovieNerd's own rice meal picture she made with the maker. It was simple but great. Don't know what are the food items in the top-middle and the top-right corner, but I recognized the others as iced tea, rice and spaghetti. While the possible meat with the cabbage in the top-middle is not bad, I like the red dessert at the top-right. Sure looks like one tasty dessert. I might use the Moldy Rice Maker again next time for another rice meal picture or two . Man, regardless of the tiny warm temperature I'm feeling right now, it does feel a bit warm. Even my tongue and skin can feel it. Thank goodness I've been drinking water a lot in every hour. Need to keep it up with that if I want to stay hydrated during the summer that is under El Nino. Again, I forgot if last Monday was when summer in the Philippines started. Totally have no idea thanks to the warm temperatures El Nino was causing through the heat and my tongue is not helping with that either. Oh well . BTW, Wish is now on Disney+! It wasn't in the app at first yesterday, which was kinda strange, but then it finally showed up a few hours later. Everything in the film is exactly as I remembered the day my dad and I watched it in the cinema. Although, I was surprised to see its animation up close. From what I remembered on Wish's Disney Wiki page, the movie's animation is hand drawn animation and CG animation combined. It looks like Disney had really done it again when they created Wish last year for Disney's 100th anniversary since they always make a Disney film that is so extraordinary depending on its plot, the characters in it and the songs. Now that Wish is available on Disney+, I can watch it again as much as I want to so long as my dad's subscription keeps ongoing. Wahoo ! I don't know when will I begin writing my Wish fanfics. But I already wrote the three chapters of my Asha male reader insert. Just partially on each chapter. Watching Wish during my writing process on my Asha male reader insert is going to help me with my memory on everything that happened in the movie. Don't know when I finish it up, but I will figure that out later on. There is another thing or two I have been occupied in writing at the moment.
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© 2024 - 2025 Angel47093
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Looks delicious!~
Now I wanna eat more rice~