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So, this is a part of a 5 picture set. With Dragalia Lost closing, and Christmas coming, I wanted to look back on all the fun I had in my Dragalia group, so I decided to draw the 5 greatwyrms, as most of us in the group had a favourite one.
So, Zodiark was the one odd one out that didn't necessarily have a fan in the group. We associated him with our friend Nova, but technically he was more associated with being my second favourite greatwyrm. I didn't want to leave him out (as he has been left out so much already), so I drew humanoid and dragon him doing the devotion beam, though I don't know how dragon him will be able to do the heart pose when he is quadrupedal.... Oops XD.
Zodiark and Dragalia Lost belong to Nintendo and Cygames.
So, Zodiark was the one odd one out that didn't necessarily have a fan in the group. We associated him with our friend Nova, but technically he was more associated with being my second favourite greatwyrm. I didn't want to leave him out (as he has been left out so much already), so I drew humanoid and dragon him doing the devotion beam, though I don't know how dragon him will be able to do the heart pose when he is quadrupedal.... Oops XD.
Zodiark and Dragalia Lost belong to Nintendo and Cygames.
Image size
800x600px 94.18 KB
© 2023 - 2025 Angel-of-Light-Kelly
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Oooo really cool