Or in my case, Happy Chinese New Year! :DI just went to my first ever concert yesterday at the Granada Theatre. The Bravery performed with openings by Electric Touch, Your Vegas, and The Switches. However I only got to hear The Bravery perform two songs before we had to leave to make curfew. x_x I also only got some crappy photos from my phone since I don't think they would have been very happy with my SLR camera.. ^^; The concert was amazing and I can't wait for my next one :aww:So I'm taking a Black and White Photography course and I just turned in my first project on pinhole cameras on Tuesday. I've learned how to develop photo paper ...
Well it's been a couple months like I promised. I finished my finals as of yesterday and now I'm freeeeeeee! I also got into at least one college too (= That's a good way to start my month long break.So hopefully once I finish editing my backlog of photos for my school yearbook, I'll start taking photos of stuff I actually like... -.-Groups:iconi--: :icondailydeviants: :iconflower-club: :iconeverything-nikon: :iconEx-po-zure:
Hey guys! Sorry, long time no update x_xI'm a high school senior now, and it's that time when I hole up in my dorm and do nothing but study and fill out college applications. I'm taking 19 hours of classes this semester, and I'm less than a week into it. ahhhI just ordered a new Sigma 30mm that should be coming on Tuesday. When I get the time, I will have some fun with it and show yall, but for now I will just end with 8 random facts about myself.Tagged by :iconasianrabbit: (=1. I really like these new Icebreakers pomegranate lemon-aid mints
2. I am really behind on my photo editing
3. My favorite number is 3
4. I love my boyfriend
omg today is your birthday Happy brthday ♪ ♫ happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear mmmm, happy birthday to you... *all sung with the theme of the happy birthday song* ♪ ♫