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Stifling a cry, Megatron tried to stand, the servos in his legs squalling and unwilling to support his weight. Halfway up, they buckled violently and Optimus lunged forward to catch him against the wall. Beneath their feet, the deck rumbled ominously.
Optimus pulled Megatron's arm over his shoulders, heaving him upright as a second explosion rocked the ship, sparks and thick smoke billowing into the hallway. Emergency klaxons blared through the com system, so loud Optimus almost didn't hear Megatron gag helplessly as energon from his ruptured internal systems flooded his mouth. He felt his Spark throb uncomfortably as Megatron turned his head and spat, optics narrowed to burning crimson slits. The sparklight in them was flickering dangerously, betraying the extent of his injuries even more than the energon gushing over the warlord's hand, but except for the labored snatch of his intakes he bore the pain in near silence. I will not fall again, it said without words. I will die on my feet.
Optimus hurried to get moving, but progress was slow and difficult, Megatron's weight taxing the hydraulics in his legs and back. The corridor ahead was choked with flames, assaulting his sensors with immense heat and the noxious gasses of burning fuel, but Optimus refused to allow himself to acknowledge the discomforts, determined to see them both to safety…
Sneak preview of the Season Two finale, right after I sort out the paperwork with Hub.
More Transformers Art…
Optimus pulled Megatron's arm over his shoulders, heaving him upright as a second explosion rocked the ship, sparks and thick smoke billowing into the hallway. Emergency klaxons blared through the com system, so loud Optimus almost didn't hear Megatron gag helplessly as energon from his ruptured internal systems flooded his mouth. He felt his Spark throb uncomfortably as Megatron turned his head and spat, optics narrowed to burning crimson slits. The sparklight in them was flickering dangerously, betraying the extent of his injuries even more than the energon gushing over the warlord's hand, but except for the labored snatch of his intakes he bore the pain in near silence. I will not fall again, it said without words. I will die on my feet.
Optimus hurried to get moving, but progress was slow and difficult, Megatron's weight taxing the hydraulics in his legs and back. The corridor ahead was choked with flames, assaulting his sensors with immense heat and the noxious gasses of burning fuel, but Optimus refused to allow himself to acknowledge the discomforts, determined to see them both to safety…
Sneak preview of the Season Two finale, right after I sort out the paperwork with Hub.…
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I thought Megatron was the enemy