Hyena Don and his BazookaAndronicusVII on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/andronicusvii/art/Hyena-Don-and-his-Bazooka-420499227AndronicusVII

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Hyena Don and his Bazooka



This is Don.  Hyena Don.  He is a mutated hyena guy in a post apocalyptic world.  He loves fighting evil and championing good.  Usually by blowing stuff up.  Well, actually he doesn't have much else in his repertoire.  He figures that if there is a problem that can't be solved by blowing shit up, it's not worth worrying about.

It's worth noting that's he got a lazy eye.  So his accuracy is really bad.  Really really bad.  Don't worry though, it's a rapid fire bazooka.  And he's got tons of ammo.  Lots and lots of ammo.

Or wait, that might be a bad thing.

:iconalexpascenko:  is the artist.
Image size
834x937px 328.89 KB
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Chinnaru's avatar
Unique,funny backstory too