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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Painter's Palette Cake: Use when mixing delicious colored frosting (4)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (965)
My Bio

From looking at my art, you can tell most everything that I enjoy. I love ~ outdoors, painting, drawing, sewing, embroidery, animals, anime, manga, pokemon and doing crafts. I want to get better at painting mostly and sew my own clothes one day.

I am somewhat shy, but can open up to just about anyone over time, I just have a hard time trusting people. My favorite colors are yellow & pink. I love giraffes and other strange creatures. My favorite food is mexican. I really love music, reading, movies, manga & anime. Also, I write my own stories and comics. I also want to travel and see the world.

I am the youngest out of 12 siblings (6 half brothers, 4 half sisters and 1 full blood sister). My family is rather large and seems to keep growing constantly. I am not a very social person and don't really care either. I don't need a million friends to have fun in life.

Not sure really what else to add on here about me... not a whole lot of amazing facts to go on about. I guess if you want to know me better, just ask.

Current Residence: Ohio

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Far too many to list, but I like indie and folk music the best
Favourite Books
One day by David Nicolas & Last time they met by Anita Shreve
Favourite Writers
Anita Shreve, Jodi Picoult, Nicholas Sparks, Mitch Album
Favourite Games
Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
pens, pencils, markers, pastels, paints, camera, sewing items, ect.
Other Interests
Walking, running, swimming, traveling
So this year I am keeping my resolution simple: I canceled my netflix account and all those hours sitting in front of the t.v after long days of work, I will be working on my art, sewing, crafts and reading. I have so many nice new art supply's and wonderful books - I need to enjoy them more and use them. I feel like too many hours sitting and watching show and movie after show and movie. It would be nice to create something and let my imagination wonder and see where it takes me :)Hope you all had a nice new years and also had a nice holiday season! 
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0 min read
Sometimes I wake up or even when I go to sleep I feel like I'm searching for something along the subject of happiness and bliss.  I'm not saying I'm depressed or anything, but I feel like at times something else is out there waiting for me.  A new adventure, a place to go explore, maybe a new friend. Guess I feel like I feel that there is more of a plan or something more powerful set out there for me.Sometimes I look in the mirror  and look at myself, think of all I've faces, whats yet to come? This morning it was a very strong feeling.  A new Deviant Art Journal, hope it isn't sounding too mellow dramatic.  If any of you are able to relat...
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Pokemon X Y!

0 min read
I know its a few years old and all... but I got back into playing my pokemon X game. I was curious if anyone else still plays and would want to trade their friend codes. My friend code is 3368 2138 8725I plan on buying the newer pokemon games later this year... probably an early birthday gift to myself.  It would be great to trade and battle with any of you!Two of my old friends/old co-workers got Pokemon X and Y so I'm going to help them with some trades and such. Hope all of you are well. :)  I've been thinking about doing some pokemon art but haven't had any ideas yet... if you have any, feel free to share. ~ Jessie
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Profile Comments 4.4K

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Cipgallery's avatar
Happy Birthday!
LindArtz's avatar

WISHING YOU A LOVELY DAY! Birthday smileys 2 by poisen2014

Happy Birthday my friend! by TheGalleryOfEve:iconhappybirthday2you: Cake for your BDay by KmyGraphic
Jasperinity's avatar
Happy birthday! :D
8bitisawesome's avatar
Happy Birthday to you awesome Jessica. :cake: :party: Wishing you a great day and wonderful year too. Hope to see you around head to toes awesome lady.
DamaInNero's avatar
Happy Birthday!!!

Happy-Birthday-cake23-150px by EXOstock
birthdays's avatar
:woohoo: :party: :iconcakelickplz: !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :iconcakelickplz: :party: :woohoo:

It's December 7th which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team :love:

Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: UndertakerMichaelis