Amourshipping-Angels's avatar


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69 Members122 Watchers


The Amourshipping Proposal


1043 deviations
Ash Ketchum With All of His Pokemon


73 deviations
POV: Serena hugs you


475 deviations
Gacha Nebula- Pokegirls Boxing!

Ash and Serena with Friends

70 deviations
Pokemon what if

Amourshipping Family

55 deviations
Gacha Nebula- Pokemon Girls Beach Day!


95 deviations
Amourshipping Stamp (RowanAkamiya185)


6 deviations
Ash kiss Serena under the mistletoe


105 deviations

Pokemon Horizons: Ash returning Confirms

Fantastic News, Pokemon Fans! It has been confirms that Ash Ketchum will return soon in Pokemon Horizons Series and here's the Prove... And Ash may still be 10 years old, but to me, I don't care cause I knew he will return one day and when he does, this will really be a chance for Liko, Roy and Dot including Rising Volt Tacklers to meet him as the Alola Champion and the Monarch too and I will be looking forward to see Ash meeting New Friends. Also if it does confirms for Ash returns, then his friends like Serena, Misty, Brock, Goh, Chloe and others including some other People that Ash and his Friends knew would return too and Liko and others would totally meet each of them like Goh and Chloe did in Journeys Series. Finally, Ash might return in Season 27 (2024) or Season 28 (2025), after this Season 26


24 deviations

Titanic Epilogue

As I wrap up this book, it has been over 40 years since Titanic was laid to rest under the ocean. The world has seen its share of death and desolation through war and economic crises, yet Titanic remains one of the most famous disasters in the century. Over the few weeks after Titanic sank, four Macro Cosmos ships sailed to the scene where it happened and recovered somewhere between 316-337 bodies. Captain Drake, First Officer Marlon, Master Shipbuilder Timothy Durbin, Wireless Operator Clemont, the first class music band, and Lord Mivashkama Herløv's manservant, Morfious Korvashka, were confirmed dead. If any of their bodies were among the ones that were found, they were never identified, and, depending on the condition of the bodies, they were either buried in a special cemetery with the other bodies found or buried at sea. From April 19th to May 25th of 1912, an inquiry was held by a subcommittee of the Commerce Committee of the Galar Senate regarding the sinking of the Titanic.


125 deviations
Pokemon Quest: Serena Kissed Ash (GIF)


2 deviations
commission comic3 4 kirbykid713


48 deviations
Amourshipping - Various reactions


67 deviations