I am Parker Ammann. I am a 16 year old cartoon fan who likes to create awesome art for my fans
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Absolutely No Disgusting, Porn, or Nude Images!
If you want to use my templates, Please Credit Me.
Absolutely No Death Threats!
I Will Handle your opinion if you handle mine.
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If you hate me, Ignore me.
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My Pinterest Account: https://www.pinterest.com/ParkerTheCartoonFan2008/
My Youtube account:
My Best Friends: fanbyjazzystar123, DudePivot47, PeytonAuz1999, CartoonsRule2020, Mistressphantom13, TinaTheYellowFox, MeliMilkyArts, and Jazzystar123
What's Your Favorite Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends Characters (Mine: Mac, Bloo, Frankie Foster, Mr. Herriman, Wilt, Coco, Eduardo, Cheese, Goo and Madame Foster)
I think Mac Frankie and Eduardo.
Nice art
What's Your Favorite Catscratch Characters (Mine: Mr. Blik, Waffle, Gordon, Katilda and Hovis)