Favourite Visual Artist
Marc Brunet, Hyanna Natsu, Neko Rina
Favourite Movies
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Raid 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1991)
Favourite TV Shows
Dragon Ball Series and many Animes
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Queen, MCR, Rooney, Genesis, Phoenix, and others
Favourite Books
Comics and Mangas
Favourite Writers
Robert Schwartzman
Favourite Games
Overwatch, The King of Fighters Series, Street Fighter series, Pokemon Series.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Fighting Genre - Dreamcast, Playstation 3 & 4 PRO
Tools of the Trade
Gaomon M106k. Photoshop CS6/SAI
Other Interests
Singing/ being a dork.