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I obviously love religious themes hehe
It's in the family I guess: My grand grandfather was a Christian Orthodox priest! I remember playing chess with him. And learning English ("ant" was the first word I learned >> "A" for "ant"). He was a very good person, but his last years... (V.V) A nightmare. May he rest in peace!
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It's in the family I guess: My grand grandfather was a Christian Orthodox priest! I remember playing chess with him. And learning English ("ant" was the first word I learned >> "A" for "ant"). He was a very good person, but his last years... (V.V) A nightmare. May he rest in peace!
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607x841px 996.95 KB
© 2016 - 2025 ameoname
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Oh, wie schön das schon wieder ist.
Unglaublich wie du mit Flächen arbeitest.
Die verspielten Details an der Uniform - simpel und sehr schön.
Und deine Gesichter die du zeichnest... immer sehr nett anzusehen

Unglaublich wie du mit Flächen arbeitest.
Die verspielten Details an der Uniform - simpel und sehr schön.
Und deine Gesichter die du zeichnest... immer sehr nett anzusehen