Northern WatchpointAmendelwyr on DeviantArt

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Northern Watchpoint



Made by AshesDrawn


Beyond the region that houses The Tree of Life and Amendelwyr's homeland were other realms ruled by different clans. They were not enemies of her kin, but they were either self-isolating or they'd destroyed themselves from wicked desires and wars.


Here, some of the smaller folk resided in this wilderness amidst the not oft seen dragon. There were the colorful small-scaled ones with all the hues of the world. Kobolds. They were not dangerous to any people. Rather, they were kindly and held dragons in reverence as the firstborn. When Amendelwyr takes her turn to hold watch, they offered gifts many times as she guarded their passage.


Another people were brought up to much more height, with a variety of reptilian features. The Tu'ahn, old words conjugated together which meant: Two Legs. They mainly bore bright green and yellow scales over their scaled bodies, with a trio of red frills that splayed out from their head and neck. The Tu'ahn were seekers of knowledge and constructed their modest dwellings in geometric shapes. Each Tu'ahn that Amendelwyr had met was a curious creature, though quite cautious. With some effort befriending, they made for good company to consider deep questions or to lounge on a rock and soak up some sunlight together.


There is one final people she knew out there. A wretched and cruel kingdom of humans that had fallen away into the annals of mystery and legend. They were dragonslayers, but no more. Their cities in ruin. Their people vanished. Their libraries and treasuries ransacked.


Amendelwyr did not dwell on them. Instead her eyes watched a caravan of kobolds trek across the plains ahead. She drew up her head and stretched her wings to give them her sign.


She protected them.

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