306 deviations
67 deviations
Gerard Way
39 deviations
My Chemical Romance
27 deviations
Disney Animated
46 deviations
Randoms Narnia
46 deviations
29 deviations
GerZ: Talking
Cmon, Bandit; say Mommys name, say mah-mah. Its not that hard, Lindsey told her two month old daughter. She had to wait another two months until she had the ability to giggle, and there would be no way in fuck she was going to wait for Bandit to talk, Say mah-mah. Mah-mah.Lindsey sighed at her own feeble attempt.
If you cant say momma, you can defiantly say dadda. Bandit, can you yell to Daddy? Yell at Daddy! Lets try together; say dah-dah. Dah-dah, Bandit, dah-dah.
Gerard poured some hazelnut coffee from the Coffee On Demand machine in the kitchen, overhearing Lindseys coaching. He smirked and took a sip. Lindsey w...
3 deviations
Resident Evil
28 deviations