Dae Dressing. Like salad dressing but tastierameides on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ameides/art/Dae-Dressing-Like-salad-dressing-but-tastier-273945140ameides

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Dae Dressing. Like salad dressing but tastier



Edit: WHOOPS just realized I forgot his cool necklace thing. Pretend he hasn't put that on yet or something asdfghjkl

*Goldenwolf18's character, Dae. I went to her page earlier to check some competition details and saw her wishlist :P Right on top of the list was Dae, who she described as a bishi, and I was like "YEAH! Great chance for me to practise drawing guys! And a bishi would be easy, right?" HAHAHAHAAH NO. I tried to draw him as a traditional bishi character (looking all dreamy and flowery etc etc) but he kept coming out really creepy, so I gave up and just drew his abs. ENJOY, LADIES.

I really hate the hair OTL. Might try to fix later if I remember


Texture: [link] by ~struckdumb
Dae © *Goldenwolf18. References: [link] [link] [link] [link] [link]
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2404x1414px 714.81 KB
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Talei's avatar
Handsome much. :bow: I envy your mad skillz