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Ambertwo on DeviantArt
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If you're wondering what I do outside of Majo no Monogatari besides slacking off and playing videogames, I write fanfics.
To be more specific, I've taken up the hard task of rewriting an One Piece fanfic that dates back to my middle school years. It was about as well-written as you'd imagine a fanfic written by a 13/14 years old schoolgirl to be
We'll see what comes out of it. The POV is a fan character because duh I wrote this when I was a middle schooler, of course the main character is an OC. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
To sum the story up, protagonist befriended not-so-great people, crap follows.
If you're interested you can read it up here.
And if you're unlucky enough to understand italian here you can read the version that did not need to pass through my questionable translation skills, ahaha.
tl;dr I write bad One Piece fanfics feel free to check 'em out if you like One Piece, OCs, fanfictions, or any combination of the three
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1000x750px 986.74 KB
© 2024 - 2025 Ambertwo
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This is great! I love the composition of this drawing and that you also drew Kaku here! And your OC is so pretty!