[Madoka Magica] Meanwhile, in another universeAmbertwo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ambertwo/art/Madoka-Magica-Meanwhile-in-another-universe-1144877974Ambertwo

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[Madoka Magica] Meanwhile, in another universe


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Finishing up old things from a g e s ago

The original sketch of this is from idk, 2013

I wanted to take a guess at how Nagisa/Human!Charlotte looked like in the anime timeline. Since, you know, the anime where she was shown with a completely different design is still canon, even if the authors keep trying their damned best to retcon it. C:

Will I ever stop being bitter about this obscure little detail? Probably not, because I'm a petty little shit. :dummy:

Also Shiori with Nagisa's design, because why not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Image size
1000x1000px 575.54 KB
© 2025 Ambertwo
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Agetian's avatar

Awww, really beautifully drawn, dear! :love::hug: