Athenaamberfishy on DeviantArt

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amberfishy's avatar




This is my first proper digital painting.

It was a struggle the whole way and I'm still not happy with it.

I'd appreciate any feedback any of you could give me to help improve it! I don't have very much patience but I am a perfectionist which dooms me forever as an artist (I'm an Aries with a Virgo rising).

The Goddess Athena, daughter of Zeus. She is without her armour and I don't know how positively awful this is for Athena devotees but I'll soon find out when I present it to my friend who originally requested this from me. But I am hoping she is still recognizable.

This is the thrid incarnation of this painting, I tried with acrylics then watercolour but it just didn't work. I originally used a reference for a pose but I've long lost where that came from. So this was pretty much done from the top of my head.

The tree in the background is trying to be an olive tree and failing! But I'm proud of the little owl.
Image size
643x922px 82.3 KB
© 2007 - 2025 amberfishy
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