Kloktober Day 3: Oceanamarysue on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/amarysue/art/Kloktober-Day-3-Ocean-857000596amarysue

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amarysue's avatar

Kloktober Day 3: Ocean



I've got this post-Doomstar headcanon that at some point while Magnus was recovering in the Mordhaus hospital, he and Toki had a conversation where it was revealed that he'd never been to the ocean. Toki finally takes it upon himself to learn to drive, and when Magnus is well enough to be discharged, Toki takes him on a little roadtrip from Mordland up to north Germany to the sea. This picture is supposed to be a photo Toki snuck while Magnus was having a thoughtful moment in the water.
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Emeowrald's avatar

I wonder where Magnus is from.

I don't think the show ever gave us that information.