Quick hair tutorialAmalii on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/amalii/art/Quick-hair-tutorial-511353978Amalii

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Quick hair tutorial



Hi everyone! This is my newest tutorial, how to make simple, quick hair.

1)Start with your lineart.
2)Add base color in another layer below.
3) Add another layer (clip layer) beteween your two previous layers, and fill it completely with another, darker color.
4)Using the transparency tool (showed in the tutorial), start with a soft brush (I'll provide you with my settings) doing the strands in the darker color layer. You'll see it's like an eraser. Set this layer to border layer effect.
5)Add a multiply layer above, lower opacity.
6)Adding shades to create the depht, using multiply layer style, lower opacity.
7)Keep adding more shapes in another layer.
8)And erase what you don't like by repeating the first step, but slighttly.
9)Add highlits in luminosity layer, and done!

Usually, har takes me 1 or two hours, this just takes me 40 or less minutes. I use it rarely, but, maybe it'll be usefull to you ^^!

Hope you like it, enjoy!
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800x6500px 1.57 MB
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kokorolion's avatar
the way you color is amaaazing