Half-Life: Combine MBTALYPH77 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/alyph77/art/Half-Life-Combine-MBT-906995726ALYPH77

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ALYPH77's avatar

Half-Life: Combine MBT



Concept for Half-Life series.
Or more precise for a Beta iteration of the following, where Combine was repurposing human technologies for its own needs.
This is my take on Combine tank (despite original was a Merkava), made on chassis of Soviet design but upgraded with a 152 mm turret cannon, plasma and pulse weaponry alike; it’s used by Conscripts and the Overwatch forces supposedly outside the city zones, or in areas of high resistance outside the Sector 17 that is deemed more or less stable compared to other Cities and logistic hubs. It’s likely armored units of these sort supported by smaller synths are stationed around major Combine facilities like AIR-EX

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