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Alyph primary firearms
This rifle variant was custom-made for a Miami FBI operator, ironically as a response to an incident a year prior, when the same model rifle was used against federal agents in a failed attempt to apprehend a combatant. It's even more lightweight then a line Mini-14, is fully automatic and has adapters for bleeding edge technology of it's time, red dot and thermal sights. Next several decades this rifle had changed a few owners, and seen action in Mexican Drug War, Myanmar uprisings and American Culture War.
Despite some parts are getting rather scarce, like oringinal sights, it's kept in a specific configuration. Alyph usually brings rather esotetic reasons for keeping them, but there are more mundane explanations as well - the rifle is kept at it's minimal weight, while post-2000 modular designs only keep getting heavier and more complex, as well as simply this build sticks with girl's motor skills.
An automatic pistol designed for vehicle crews of the Cold War, it became irrelevant in the new century as deemed inaccurate and mainetnance heavy. Yet, good number of these were made. It was bought by Alyph on an auction of Cold War relics, kept in pristine conditions at surplus storage facility in Italy.
With some modifications, like more durable frame, it became a sidearm used in addition to a Ruger. This is also a piece that Alyph brings along when situation requires a concealed carry.
This rifle variant was custom-made for a Miami FBI operator, ironically as a response to an incident a year prior, when the same model rifle was used against federal agents in a failed attempt to apprehend a combatant. It's even more lightweight then a line Mini-14, is fully automatic and has adapters for bleeding edge technology of it's time, red dot and thermal sights. Next several decades this rifle had changed a few owners, and seen action in Mexican Drug War, Myanmar uprisings and American Culture War.
Despite some parts are getting rather scarce, like oringinal sights, it's kept in a specific configuration. Alyph usually brings rather esotetic reasons for keeping them, but there are more mundane explanations as well - the rifle is kept at it's minimal weight, while post-2000 modular designs only keep getting heavier and more complex, as well as simply this build sticks with girl's motor skills.
An automatic pistol designed for vehicle crews of the Cold War, it became irrelevant in the new century as deemed inaccurate and mainetnance heavy. Yet, good number of these were made. It was bought by Alyph on an auction of Cold War relics, kept in pristine conditions at surplus storage facility in Italy.
With some modifications, like more durable frame, it became a sidearm used in addition to a Ruger. This is also a piece that Alyph brings along when situation requires a concealed carry.
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887x1024px 303.2 KB
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Es como el GTA vice city el m14 ruger por el color