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Tell me what to draw.
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Varied
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (203)
My Bio

Hello, I'm Janita! I'm an aspiring animator that got my roots through Hatena. If anyone has any digital art programs to recommend to me please do so because I am still mostly a traditional artist. I'm planning on transferring to SCAD once I get my core classes done. I am always looking for new prompts so leave me a comment or send me a message if you want to see me draw something!
I'm not the most active and I tend to get very busy in my real life but I'll do my best!
Thank you!!

Favourite Visual Artist
Michaelangelo (not the turtle. I mean the super gay-ace that painted the Sistine Chapel
Favourite Movies
The Hobbit series/LOTR, Star Wars,
Favourite TV Shows
I like cartoons that start out fun but then make me cry. I also enjoy K-Dramas every once and awhile.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
I gotta be honest: Santana, Bruno Mars, Gorillaz, Pink Floyd, Twenty One Pilots, The entire cast of Phantom of the Opera (2004 production)
Favourite Books
It's Not Like Its A Secret, The Hobbit, The entirety of the Sherlock Holmes short stories, Series of Unfortunate Events, (I've read all of Warriors if that means anything), Eragon series.
Favourite Games
Does Hatena count? I'm not much of a gamer but I have played Dream Daddy and Mystic Messenger.
Tools of the Trade
Well im pretty good at conkers.
Other Interests
Music, Writting, the ocean.
I still have so much old art on here... *shudders*
anonymous's avatar
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I'm back (again!) I'm sure yall are getting tired of me saying that lol.
anonymous's avatar
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Huh? You again?

0 min read
Hahaha I know I know. I always make one of these and then disappear but I hope that I can submit a whole bunch of new stuff that I've done the past few years. I got into painting, which is super fun btw, and I went on a couple of trips and I graduated from high school. I moved like 3 times... and im in the process of moving right now. Ill also be moving again in like 4 months. (Perks of having parents that remodle houses). I also finally decided to go for my dream and become an animator. (SCAD please love me and take me in!!!) I've also been doing a ton of RPing on discord and my writing has improved. Lots of what I've been drawing is stuf...
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Profile Comments 86

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kupieckorzenny's avatar
Thanks a lot for the watch! :)
AlwaysConfuzzled's avatar
You deserve it! Youre amazing!
dinodino1212's avatar
Guess who’s not using DA anymore!
AlwaysConfuzzled's avatar
Omoo!!! You??? Why nooooot?!
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AlwaysConfuzzled's avatar
Damn.... I should probably start signing my stuff then. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Now I know to be more careful. I'll follow you so I can still see your art!
DamaiMikaz's avatar
Thanks for adding To Illuminon we go to your collections. I'm happy that you like the piece :la: