Arcade Riven Vs. Final Boss BlitzCrankalvinlee on DeviantArt

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alvinlee's avatar

Arcade Riven Vs. Final Boss BlitzCrank



Arcade Riven and Final Boss Blitzcrank have arrived!!! For this splash I had the challenge of showcasing two different champions in one splash, so I went back to my roots and came to the idea of doing a 'VS.' screen! Much like a fighting game, it would be split in the middle and each champion in the splash would have equal importance within the composition. Great solution, but executing the idea was another matter altogether. Once again, I did all of the original painting of this splash but got a lot of help from my team mates in areas I'm still struggling on - being mostly lighting, particle effects, and post production. So, I leaned on my All-star cast again and they helped carry me home to this final product! Also, my fantastic design team helped with the layout of the UI and added great pixel-art portraits to match the thematic too! Really am blessed to be working with such talented artists, thanks Team!

Joshua Smith:…;
Chengwei Pan:
Image size
1500x885px 979.94 KB
© 2015 - 2025 alvinlee
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