October 2018 Monthly Artaluckymuse on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aluckymuse/art/October-2018-Monthly-Art-766364645aluckymuse

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October 2018 Monthly Art



Watch art being made while we chat on Twitch!

Monthly art is an open request raffle for everyone! The Monthly Art Lottery is a monthly project where I create professional looking concept art of a person's original fantasy role-playing character completely free of charge. The character can be from a traditional tabletop game such as D&D, from a video  game such as Dragon Age Inquisition, TES: Skyrim, or even from your own personal writings.   
You can tweet a monthly hashtag to enter, and or use a twitch chat command. Twitch watchers can use their viewership points to buy loyalty tickets for the Monthly Art Lottery which will allow you to enter your name more than once and thus improve your chances of winning! 

Subscribers have an advantage when buying tickets.  ALL Patrons can vote in a patron only poll to pick the final winner.

Lottery runs from the 1st to the 10th. 5 finalists will be picked on the 11th  and messaged  privately for information on their character, they will  have till the 14th to reply. On the 15th we'll start the Patron only  poll to decide the winner! I will post the final image on social media,  and a speedup 2 hour process video will be streamed on twitch during a  Friday art stream. Patrons will have access to the PSD file.   

Tweet with the hashtag #LuckyArts09 to enter, or head to twitch and type !giveaway into chat if you don't use twitter and want to enter your chance to request a drawing.
Image size
4061x5000px 1.51 MB
© 2018 - 2025 aluckymuse
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