Tiberius Skaerva the FourthAltermentality on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/altermentality/art/Tiberius-Skaerva-the-Fourth-211420012Altermentality

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Tiberius Skaerva the Fourth



Time for a reference picture!

Also, it's Skärva, but I just realized the deviantArt doesn't like umlauts in titles. Which I think is pretty stupid considering there are a lot of languages where they are very important. (Like Swedish, which gave us the name. Thanks, Swedish!) It's just as bad as them not allowing exclamation marks, but I digress.

The main character of me and ~AbscondWithAPie's comic, The Fourth.

I don't want to give a run-down of his personality and his internal struggles and all his little quirks right now- that's to come in the comic. This is just a visual reference. Suffice it to say right now that he's a master villain, a powerful dark sorceror, and a man who looks like a shark.

Yes, he has four eyebrows. And an eternal black eye.
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858x900px 127.44 KB
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Red-Productions's avatar
Would Tiberius Skaerva the Hundreth have 100 eyebrows? :U