Altered-MTG-cards's avatar


Years Ago
70 Members81 Watchers

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anonymous's avatar
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Did this group pretty much dry up? I'm guessing that most everyone moved to reddit?
ParadoxSketchbook's avatar
Can I join as a member please?
Hurley-Burley-Alters's avatar
I mean you did... and then you left. So...
ParadoxSketchbook's avatar
Ah no that was a contributor position.
If i click join, it does not give a member option
QuattroBarrato's avatar
Thank you so much Hurley-Burley! And compliments for your works, they really inspired me a lot! I'm going to do a lot of new and impressive 3D alterations in the future, now I'm working on a very big one! I hope one day to submit it here :)
Hurley-Burley-Alters's avatar
Thank you! You're doing a great job with your work as well. The  photos that you take are extremely impressive. Do you use a light box to take them?
QuattroBarrato's avatar
Thank you too! I don't use nothing particular, but I am the son of a photographer so I learned how to exploit light and make quite good photos (I try however).