Current Residence: Chicago
Favourite genre of music: surf, punk, rock, rockabilly, indie, folk, shoegaze, and a liiiiiitle country
Favourite photographer: David Perry, Viva Van Story
Favourite style of art: Vector and Brush
Favourite cartoon character: drinky crow (
Personal Quote: "...and that was the first time i got crabs in my eye."
Favourite Visual Artist
Kelly McLane, Frank Kozik, Robert Williams, Gil Elvgren, Alberto Vargas
Favourite Movies
Final Sacrifice, Manos: the Hands of Fate, Santa Claus vs the Martians, Puma Man, Prince of Space
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
there is absolutely no way to list all of my favs or to pick just one... current fav -- Sonic Youth
Favourite Games
Shadow of the Colossus, Castlevania series, Final Fantasy Tactics
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, Illustrator, Gumball Head
Other Interests
watching robots make fun of bad movies