SELLING ~ Asgard-Chronicles characters - OPENAlone1sAgain on DeviantArt

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SELLING ~ Asgard-Chronicles characters - OPEN


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All of these characters were bought and used for some of my stories like ARIMOUX, ACTIUM, and Constantina. Because my life has taken such a different turn that I cannot return to my stories, I'm selling these characters in hopes that somebody can give them all great homes and adventures of their own.

Please, let me know below what number or numbers you are interested in buying. These prices are pretty much non-negotiable. I've already discounted them from their original prices, some substantially.

All of these characters were made by @Asgard-Chronicles an amazing artist I've known for years. If you haven't checked her page out yet, please do!

If you want to see the image in full, click here:


# 3 - SOLD - @PuppetMasterGepetto

# 4 - SOLD - @PointlessPortals

# 5 - SOLD - @PuppetMasterGepetto

# 7 - SOLD - @PuppetMasterGepetto

# 8 - SOLD - @PuppetMasterGepetto

# 11 - SOLD - @PointlessPortals

# 12 - SOLD - @PuppetMasterGepetto

# 13 - SOLD - @PuppetMasterGepetto

# 14 - SOLD - @Glida1

# 15- SOLD - @PointlessPortals


More characters will be posted after this within the next few days. They will be more expensive than these because of the amount of art they are with. Please look forward to it!

Image size
6000x3497px 12.43 MB
© 2024 - 2025 Alone1sAgain
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Glida1's avatar

If 14 (Hilda) is still available I want to get her.